This repository is the home for the .NET Core Template Engine. It contains the brains for dotnet new
When dotnet new
is invoked, it will call the Template Engine to create the artifacts on disk.
Template Engine is a library for manipulating streams, including operations to replace values, include/exclude
regions and process if
, else if
, else
and end if
style statements.
We have created a dotnet template samples repo, which shows how you can use the Template Engine to create new templates. The samples are setup to be stand alone for specific examples.
You can create new projects with dotnet new
, this section will briefly describe that. For more info take a look at
Announcing .NET Core Tools Updates in VS 2017 RC.
To get started let's find out what options we have by executing dotnet new --help
. The result is pasted in the block below.
$ dotnet new mvc --help
MVC ASP.NET Web Application (C#)
Author: Microsoft
-au|--auth The type of authentication to use
None - No authentication
Individual - Individual authentication
Default: None
-uld|--use-local-db Whether or not to use LocalDB instead of SQLite
bool - Optional
Default: false
1.0 - Target netcoreapp1.0
1.1 - Target netcoreapp1.1
Default: 1.0
Let's create a new project named "MyAwesomeProject" in the "src/MyProject" directory. This project should be an ASP.NET MVC project with Individual Auth. To create that template
execute dotnet new mvc -n MyAwesomeProject -o src/MyProject -au Individual
. Let's try that now, the result is below.
$ dotnet new mvc -n MyAwesomeProject -o src/MyProject -au Individual
The template "MVC Application" created successfully.
The project was successfully created on disk as expected in src/MyProject
. From here, we can run normal dotnet
commands like dotnet restore
and dotnet build
We have a pretty good help system built in, including template specific help (for example dotnet new mvc --help
). If you're not sure the syntax please try that,
if you have any difficulties please file a new issue.
Now that we've covered the basics of using dotnew new
, lets move on to info for template authors and contributors.
You can install additional templates that can be used by dotnet new
. See Available templates for dotnet new.
The instructions below enable a new command at the dotnet
CLI, dotnet new3
, that uses the bits and templates contained in this repo. Think of it as a "preview" version of dotnet new
for trying out new switches, interactions and display styles before rolling them in to the product.
Commands executed against dotnet new3
won't impact the behavior of dotnet new
, Visual Studio for Mac, Visual Studio, nor any other environment.
If you're authoring templates, or interested in contributing to this repo, then you're likely interested in how to use the latest version of this experience. The steps required are outlined below.
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- master is a build branch and does not accept contributions directly.
- The default branch is the active development branch that accepts contributions and flows to master to produce packages.
- Open up a command prompt and navigation to the root of your source code.
- Run the build script appropriate for your environment.
- When running the build script, the existing built-in command
dotnet new
will be preserved. To rundotnet new3
, rundotnet <your repo location>\artifacts\bin\dotnet-new3\<configuration>\<target framework>\dotnet-new3.dll
(root path todotnet-new3.dll
is skipped in all commands below).
For example, here is the result of running dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll --help
(truncated to save space here).
$ dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll --help
Usage: new3 [options]
-h, --help Displays help for this command.
-l, --list Lists templates containing the specified template name. If no name is specified, lists all templates.
-n, --name The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the output directory is used.
After first installation there are no templates installed. See Installing templates on how to install the templates and Available templates for the list of available templates.
This repository features the templates for Class Library/Console App and they are located in <your repo location>\artifacts\packages\Debug\Shipping\Microsoft.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates.*.nupkg
after build run.
Debugging code requires your current dotnet new3
session to have its active build session configured to DEBUG, and a debugger from your application of choice to be attached to the current running dotnet new3
process. The steps required to accomplish this are outlined below.
- When working with the source inside Visual Studio, it is recommended you use the latest available version.
- Open the Microsoft.TemplatingEngine.sln solution in the application you will use to attach your debugger.
- This solution contains the projects needed to run, modify & debug the Template Engine.
Run the following command.
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll --debug:attach {{additonal args}}
By supplying the --debug:attach
argument with any other argument(s) you are running, you are triggering a Console.ReadLine();
request which pauses execution of the Template Engine at an early point in its execution.
Once the engine is "paused", you have the opportunity to attach a debugger to the running dotnet new3
In the application you are using to attach a debugger...
- Open the Microsoft.TemplateEngine.Cli.New3Command class and locate the following function.
- Set a breakpoint at any point after the following block of code.
if (args.Any(x => string.Equals(x, "--debug:attach", StringComparison.Ordinal)))
// This is the line that is executed when --debug:attach is passed as
// an argument.
- Attach the debugger to the current running 'dotnet new 3' process.
- For example, if you are using Visual Studio you can perform the following.
- Execute the keyboard shortcut -
ctrl + alt + p
. - This will open up a dialog that allows you to search for the dotnet-new3.exe process.
- Locate the desired process, select it and hit the Attach button.
- Execute the keyboard shortcut -
Now that you have a debug session attached to your properly configured dotnet new3
process, head back to the command line and hit enter
. This will trigger Console.Readline()
to execute and your proceeding breakpoint to be hit inside the application you are using to debug.
Templates can be installed from packages in any NuGet feed, directories on the file system or ZIP type archives (zip, nupkg, vsix, etc.) To install a new template use the command:
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll -i {the path to the folder containing the template or *.nupkg file or nuget package name}
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll -i "Boxed.Templates::*"
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll -i <your repo location>\artifacts\packages\Debug\Shipping\Microsoft.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates.
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll --help
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll -h
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll --list
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll -l
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll mvc -l Lists all templates containing the text "mvc"
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll mvc --help
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll mvc -h
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll MvcWebTemplate --name MyProject --output src --ParameterName1 Value1 --ParameterName2 Value2 ... --ParameterNameN ValueN
dotnet .\dotnet-new3.dll MvcWebTemplate -n MyProject -o src --ParameterName1 Value1 --ParameterName2 Value2 ... --ParameterNameN ValueN