A go package to add support for data at rest encryption to Golang's standard library database/sql
In your Golang project, please run:
go get github.com/bartmika/sqlprotector
All documentation can be found here.
Found a bug? Want a feature to improve your developer experience? Please create an issue.
Made with ❤️ by Bartlomiej Mika.
The project is licensed under the ISC License.
Resource used:
- How We Encrypt Data in MySQL With Go By Baron Schwartz helped me understand the overall big picture with what is involved with setting up your own data at rest encryption with Golang.
- Built In Interfaces by Jason Moiron help understand how we utilize the
interfaces inside the go packages database/sql to write our own custom functionality. - Securing Information in Database using Data Encryption (written in Go) by Purnaresa Yuliartanto help understand how to do encryption and decryption.
- go-cryptkeeper by Zach Auclair is a go package which implemented data at rest encryption utilizing the
interfaces inside the go packages database/sql to write our own custom functionality.