A mini e-commerce application built with Rails 4.2 for purposes of teaching Rails by example.
- Fork & Clone
- Run
bundle install
to install dependencies - Create
by copyingconfig/database.example.yml
- Create
by copyingconfig/secrets.example.yml
- Run
bin/rake db:reset
to create, load and seed db - Create .env file based on .env.example
- Sign up for a Stripe account
- Put Stripe (test) keys into appropriate .env vars
- Run
bin/rails s -b
to start the server
Use Credit Card # 4111 1111 1111 1111 for testing success scenarios.
More information in their docs: https://stripe.com/docs/testing#cards
- Rails 4.2 Rails Guide
- PostgreSQL 9.x
- Stripe
Type in "bin/rails g" to see what you can generate
Preface all normal action with "heroku run" to run them on heroku. Example: heroku run rake db:migrate heroku run rake db:seed heroku run rake db:reset
Update: May need to remove cl_image_tag from image attribute, so as to just get the URL. But then, how to render an image in an ERB? Could try cl_image_tag.
Note, if you don't want to run all specs, you can specify: bin/rspec spec/features
To make the tests more verbose, use -fd flag: bin/rspec -fd --or-- bin/rspec spec/features -fd
bin/rails generate rspec:feature user_login bin/rails generate rspec:model order
The following command runs all migrations (and hopefully reseeds) rake db:migrate:reset