The instructions about this test is at backend/
With NodeJS installed and running, Install concurrently package
npm i
Then install Backend and Frontend dependencies, seed the DB
npm run install
Under the hoods I'm using concurrently to run cd front && npm i and cd back && npm i && npm run seed
You can install the dependencies by project using
npm run install-front
npm run install-back
You can access the frontend at http://localhost:3000
Or make some cURL request to http://localhost:3001
As requested the backend was made using Express and Sequelize.
The frontend is made using the bundler Vite, the web library ReactJs, CSS Library Bootstrap and SWC an extensible Rust-based platform for the next generation of fast developer tools.
You can test most of the cases using the frontend as mention before running npm start and accessing in the browser http://localhost:3000
In the folder backend/test-request there are some .http files for all request in the backend. The VS Code Extension Rest Client *( can make request directly from the .http files
The model Jobs wich has the parameter 'paid' was with a wrong ColumnOptions the option 'default', to set the default value to a column, should use the option 'defaultValue'
At endpoint POST /jobs/:job_id/pay I wrote a asynchronous code that should perform better, but there was a few times that the update queries was reruning in loop until the db crashes, the possible buggy code is commented and the queries are running synchronous
Please let me know if there are any specific areas you would like me to elaborate on or if you have any questions. Thank you for the opportunity, and I look forward to your feedback.
- Used functional components wich has a better performance and simplified sintax
- Used ContextAPI to share the "user ID" information.
- Context API provides an efficient way to share data across multiple components, eliminating the need for prop drilling in deeply nested structures. This promotes better code organization and maintainability.
- I hadn't implement other ways to keep data like saving in local storage because would bring more complexity to the project, if you prefer I can implement it.
- Used Bootstrap, that offers a vast collection of pre-designed and customizable UI. Accelerating development time and ensures a consistent visual experience across different devices and browsers.