
Is Snowflake still active?

Un3qual opened this issue · 7 comments

Is Snowflake still active?

I'd love to but just started with RN, so need some time to get familiar with it.

I successfully updated my local project to latest RN ( I think it's 0.41.2) so I should have a PR soon.

Many thanks, again, @siemiatj - I really appreciate your efforts. Snowflake now has 25 contributors and I am thankful for everyone's contribution. As long as there is interest in Snowflake and people want to contribute, I will stay involved and manage the PR merges.

Again, thanks!

@bartonhammond Send me an email sometime, I don't mind stepping in and helping clean this up for you given your situation. I've reached a pretty good place with my hamsters.js project and need something else to look at in my free time.