
Web app for writing screenplays.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub package.json version Vue version Vue version


Drafty is a web application made for writing screenplays. It was inspired by Google Docs and my will to find a new hobby 😄


As for now, Drafty isn't online. To actually use it, see the section: Running Drafty locally.

When you visit the home page, you should see something similiar to this:

Drafty's home page

Click Create account, and it will transfer you to registation page. You will see something like this:

Drafty's register page

After you complete required fields, click Create account. You will be automatically logged in. click Enter editor button.

Drafty's screenplay's list page

Click New screenplay button in the left top corner, to create a new screenplay.

Drafty's editor page

That's the editor page. Click on the pencil icon next to Untitled to change your screenplay's name. Below that, there are buttons to select a type of the current paragraph, button to export your screenplay to *.pdf, and a slider for controlling zoom.

To start writing screenplay, click on the paragraph which you want to edit (currently, there is only one empty at the top of the page.) Background color of it should change slightly when you hover the cursor over it.

You add the next paragraph by clicking enter. The type of it is set automatically based on the previous one. For example, when you press enter while the cursor is on Character Cue type, the type of the new paragraph will be Dialogue. You can change the type of the current paragraph using buttons on the left, or by pressing combinations of Tab and Shift+Tab.

Running Drafty locally

As for now, Drafty isn't deployed for production. The only way to use it, is to run it locally, on your own machine.


To run Drafty's server on your local machine you must have MongoDB installed.

Setting up

  1. On your PC, open the terminal and run: git clone https://github.com/bartoszOsn/Drafty. A folder called drafty will be created.
  2. Run cd drafty to enter the project directory, and then npm install to install all dependencies.
  3. Create file secret.js in Drafty's directory and paste into it:
    exports.sessionSecret = '<random-string>';
    exports.mail = {
        user: '<email-login>',
        pass: '<email-password>'
    Change the <random string> with, well... some random string. It will we used for hashing password. If you want to be able to reset passwords, you must provide some e-mail account credentials. It will be used for sending mails with tokens allowing for changing your password. If you're not planning to forget your password in the future, just leave it like that.
  4. Run npm start. you will see the output similiar to this:
    [nodemon] 2.0.7
    [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
    [nodemon] watching path(s): src\**\*
    [nodemon] watching extensions: (all)
    [nodemon] starting `node start.js`
    Server listening at http://localhost:3000
  5. open link from the last line (http://localhost:3000) in your browser.

That's it! You should see now Drafty's home page.