Magento 2 Notification Service Client

This module is a client for Notifications Microservice. It allows customers to receive notifications in real-time and to store them in a private inbox.


Stores -> Configuration -> Digibart -> Notifications


  • Module Enabled - enable/disable module's functionality
  • Mode:
    • Inbox and Notifications - will display notifications and keep store them in private inbox
    • Inbox Only - only store notification in private inbox
    • Notifications Only - only show notifications (NOTE: this will remove received notification from service)
  • Api Endpoint - service Api Endpoint
  • Socket Endpoint - socket endpoint
  • Namespace - in case of multiple clients it allows to create separated socket space


Shows notification for registered customers and eventually stores them in a private inbox

How does it work?

  • Hover over message in your inbox to display additional actions
  • Click on the notification to close it (or just wait a while patiently!)