
This is a group project for a school assigment.

The goal was to build a chat client and a server in java. There are chatrooms which are created when someone joins them (much like how IRC works). Users can also send private messages (whispers) to other users.


  • Client starts by prompting a "login screen".
  • Chat client shows timestamps on all messages.
  • Server sends a warning message to spammers.
  • Client saves last connected server IP, username and chat history.
  • Client can delete/clear all chat history.
  • Usernames and channelnames are validated on server with regex to block bad language and unwanted characters.
  • User can toggle ignore/unignore on other users. Ignored users are marked as ignored in userlist.
  • Client has two themes: Light and Dark.
  • Whispers, channel messages, events, errors/warnings are represented in different colors.
  • A notification sound is played when the client receives a new message (in a channel that is not currently shown).
  • There is an option to mute the sound.
  • Channels with unread messages are marked with a red circle.
  • Only channel messages and whispers trigger the notifications.
  • The server has a console interface where an admin can display different statistics about the server (clients connected, logs, what users are in a specific channel, uptime etc.).
  • All messages are being sent with encryption to prevent outsiders from seing what is being sent.
  • The server uses regex to swap bad language in messages for nicer words like "tomato" or "flower" etc.
  • The client tries to reconnect 10 times if the connection to the server is lost (connecting with increasing pauses).
  • An easter egg can be activated by naming yourself "spider", typing "man" into the chat (without sending it) and clicking the logo.