Chess Online - docker-compose files

Docker compose .yml file for Chess online project

How To Run:

Backend Development Configuration:

Clone docker-compose repository from GitHub

$ git pull    

Then cd into dev folder

Run docker-compose file though following command:

$ docker-compose up

By default server binds to port 8080 but you can change this by editing docker-compose file and adding following property:

SERVER_PORT: {your_port} 

Backend Production Configuration:

Running through Docker Swarm Stacks

Make sure you that you have enabled Docker Swarm mode and everything is configured properly (You can find more information about how to do it here)

etcb configuration

The DB stack is deployed using Galera Cluster docker image. This allows scaling up the MYSQL cluster out on more more than one node (or scaling back by removing nodes). The storage will be persisted across multiple nodes and if one of them goes down no data will be lost.

Galera image requires running etcd cluster installed on each of the Docker physical host.

How to configure etcd (CentOS 7):

1: Install etcd package:

yum install etcd

2: Edit configuration

$ vim /etc/etcd/etcd.conf

Should look like this:


3: Start the service:

$ systemctl enable etcd
$ systemctl start etcd

4: Verify cluster status

$ etcdctl cluster-health

You can find more info about edcb and Galera Cluste configuration here

Deploying on Docker Swarm Stacks

Clone docker-compose repository from GitHub

$ git pull    

Then cd into prod folder.

Edit docker-compose file and change credentials for admin account, MySQL database and RabbitMQ.

Default configuration is 2 backend services but you can change this setting to as many application replicas as you want.

Add your nodes ip addresses to "DISCOVERY_SERVICE" environment variable inside mysql-galera configuration.



Recommended setup for high availability is at least 3 Gale Cluster replicas

Deploy Docker stock by following command:

$ docker stock deploy -c docker-compose.yml {your_stack_name}