
2D-online-realtime shooter written in LibKTX(Kotlin API for libGDX) and Node.js (School Project))

Primary LanguageKotlin

2D-online-realtime shooter

Written in LibKTX (Kotlin API for libGDX) and Node.js

How to run


In order to run client you have to setup path to your SDK

Create file local.properties in project root
File should contain path to your SDK

Run desktop client thorugh gradle
./gradlew desktop:run


Navigate into server directory
cd server

Install npm dependencies
npm install

Run server
node index.js


Creating docker image for server

Navigate into server directory
cd server

Build docker image
docker build -t IMAGE_NAME

Creating desktop executable

Compile project into fat jar
./gradlew dekstop:dist

Fat jar is generated in desktop/build/libs

Download the latest packR build

Edit packr.config.json add set following parameters:

platform: target platform for your executable (one of "windows32", "windows64", "linux32", "linux64", "mac")
jdk: path to directory, ZIP file or URL for JDK
classpath: path to your compiled fat jar
output: output directory for executable

Create executable with packR
java -jar packr.jar PATH_TO_CONFIG_JSON