
"Time For Friends" is a web application that allows you to track your friends local time live. (School Project - React + Node)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Time For Friends

"Time For Friends" is a web application that allows you to track your friends local time live.

Tech stack:

  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • GraphQL
  • React.js


Docker image for backend application can be found on DockerHub

Running backend:

Cleanup database and generate test data:

npm run init

Start server in development setup (with nodemon):

npm run dev

Start server in production setup (without nodemon):

npm run start

Run through docker (from existing dockerimage on DockerHub):

docker run -e INIT_DATA=true -e MONGO_URI=<your databse uri> -p 8080:<your choosen port> -d nawajo/time_for_friends

Environment Variables (terminal commands for Linux machine):

Server port (default 8080):

PORT=<your port> npm run start 

MongoDB URI (default mongodb://localhost/time_for_friends)

MONGO_URI=<your uri> npm run start

Data initialization - should 'init-data' script run at server start (default false)

INIT_DATA=true npm run dev

Dockerizing backend:

To create docker image for backend run following commands:

cd backend
docker build -t <your tag> .

Then you can run your image with following command:

docker run -e MONGO_URI=<your database URI> -p 8080:8080 -d <your tag>

You can link created container with existing mongodb container on your machine:

docker run --link <your mongodb container>:mongodb -e MONGO_URI='mongodb://mongodb/time_for_friends' -p 8080:8080 -d <your_tag>

Pushing image to dockerhub:

Login to your dockerhub account:

docker login

Tag your image:

docker tag <image id> <repository name>:latest

Push image to dockerhub:

docker push <repository name>


Running frontend:

Start development server:

npm start

Build application for production:

npm run build

Environment Variables (terminal commands for Linux machine):

Backend URI (default http://localhost:8080/graphql)

REACT_APP_BACKEND_URI=<your backend uri> npm start

Google Maps API (map will not work without this variable)

REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=<your api key> npm start

Dockerizing frontend:

Navigate to frontend folder

cd frontend

Edit Dockerfile and add ENV variables for backend URI and Gogle Maps API Key

To create Docker image run:

docker build -t <your tag> .

Then you can run your container with following command:

docker run -p 80:80 -d <your tag>

Pushing image to dockerhub:

Login to your dockerhub account:

docker login

Tag your image:

docker tag <image id> <repository name>:latest

Push image to dockerhub:

docker push <repository name>