
API for my family business website project

Primary LanguagePHP


REST API for my family business website project. (o) Parameters are optional

Offer API

No. Purpose URL Method Format Params Impl
1 Gets item object /offer/category/item/item.php GET JSON categoryId, itemId yes
2 Gets array of existant categories /offer/category/categories.php GET JSON - yes
3 Gets array of items in specified category /offer/category/items/items.php GET JSON categoryId yes

Gallery API

No. Purpose URL Method Format Params Impl
1 Gets array of album objects /gallery/getAlbums.php GET JSON start, length (o) yes
2 Gets specific album object along with photo urls /gallery/getAlbum.php GET JSON albumId yes
3 Generate thumbnails if they don't exist (or force) /album/photo/generateThumbnails.php POST JSON force no

Mailing API

No. Purpose URL Method Format Params Impl
1 Send an email /mailing/postCustomerMail.php POST JSON name, email, content (request body) yes

Reviews API

No. Purpose URL Method Format Params Impl
1 Gets array of review objects /reviews/getReviews.php GET JSON start, length (o) yes

Session API

No. Purpose URL Method Format Params Impl
1 Create session (Log in) /session/create/create.php POST JSON login, password (hashed) yes
2 Delete session (Log out) /session/delete/delete.php DELETE JSON sessionToken yes