
Share expenses with friends in this Django and Bootstrap based web application

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Computer Automated Remote Exchange

Share expenses with friends in this Django and Bootstrap based web application.


  • Responsive web interface
  • Share expenses between multiple friends
  • Register real transactions between friends
  • Keep track of your balance within a group
  • Create groups
  • Invite friends to group
  • Periodic transaction history email
  • Notification when balance is too low
  • Modify shares and transactions
  • Recurring shares
  • Group statistics


  • Python 3.4+
  • Django 1.11
  • see requirements.txt


Create a virtualenv

Create a virtual enviroment with Python 3,

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 env

Activate the enviroment,

$ source ./env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

Install the required python modules (with activated virtual env),

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Create local_settings.py

Run create_local_settings.py,

$ python create_local_settings.py

Create database

Create initial database,

$ manage.py migrate

Create a superuser,

$ python manage.py createsuperuser

Test run

Run test server,

$ python manage.py runserver