
Interactive map of animal observations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status

A visualization of animal and plant observations on an interactive map.

Observation data is created by users of http://waarneming.nl.

waarnemingkaart is a web-application based on Django, Bootstrap and OpenLayers.

Requires Python 3.5+ and Django 1.11+



Installation (Linux)

Get the code and install dependencies

Get the code and enter the project directory,

git clone --recursive https://github.com/bartromgens/waarnemingkaart.git
cd waarnemingkaart

Create a virtualenv,

virtualenv -p python3 env

Activate the virtualenv (always do this before working on the project),

source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies,

pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile external (C++)-module,

make -C maps/modules

Create local settings and database

Create local user settings, you can optionally change settings here, default database is sqlite,

python create_local_settings.py

Create the database and tables,

python manage.py migrate

Create a superuser (optional)

This allows you to login at the website as superuser and view the admin page,

python manage.py createsuperuser

Run a developement webserver

Run the Django dev web server in the virtualenv (don't forget to active the virtualenv),

python manage.py runserver

The website is now available at and admin

Configuration (optional)


The local settings are defined in website/local_settings.py. These are not under version control and you are free change these for your personal needs. This is also the place for secret settings. An example, on which this file is based, is found in website/local_settings_example.py.

Daily backups (cronjob)

This project has a django-cronjob that makes daily backups of the raw database (includes everything), and a json dump of the data. These are defined in website/cron.py. The location of the backup files is defined in website/local_settings.py. Create the following cronjob (Linux) to kickstart the django-cron jobs,

*/5 * * * * source /home/<username>/.bashrc && source /home/<path-to-project>/env/bin/activate && python /home/<path-to-project>/website/manage.py runcrons > /home/<path-to-project>/log/cronjob.log


Load data

Load waarneming.nl scraped observation data,

python manage.py loaddata <MAPS_DATA_DIR>/observations.json.gz

Where MAPS_DATA_DIR is the directory set in local_settings.py.

Scrape data

Export data

Run the following command to create a compressed json data dump, observations.json.gz in the settings.MAPS_DATA_DIR directory, of all observations,

python manage.py create_json_dump


Create a species map,

python manage.py create_map --species="grutto"

Create maps for all groups, families and species, or a specific group,

python manage.py create_maps [--group="vogels"] [--skip-groups] [--skip-families] [--skip-species]


Webpack bundles (JavaScript and CSS)

Install webpack and some plugins and loaders,

sudo npm install webpack -g
npm install

Webpack config is found in webpack.config.js.

Watch for changes and compile bundle if found,

webpack --progress --colors --watch

Generate minified production files,

webpack -p


Run all tests,

python manage.py test

Run specific tests (example),

python manage.py test website.tests.TestCaseAdminLogin