
An easy to use Node.js client with OAuth support to connect with the discogs.com API v2.0

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


disconnect is a Node.js client library that connects with the Discogs.com API v2.0.

Dependency Status


  • Covers all API endpoints
  • Supports pagination, rate limiting, etc.
  • All database, marketplace and user functions implement a standard function(err, data, rateLimit) format for the callback or return a native JS Promise when no callback is provided
  • Easy access to protected endpoints with Discogs Auth
  • Includes OAuth 1.0a tools. Just plug in your consumer key and secret and do the OAuth dance
  • API functions grouped in their own namespace for easy access and isolation


  • Add more tests




The global structure of disconnect looks as follows:

require('disconnect') -> new Client() -> oauth()
                                      -> database()
                                      -> marketplace()
                                      -> user() -> collection()
                                                -> wantlist()
                                                -> list()
                      -> util


Quick start

Here are some basic usage examples that connect with the public API. Error handling has been left out for demonstrational purposes.


var Discogs = require('disconnect').Client;


Get the release data for a release with the id 176126.

var db = new Discogs().database();
db.getRelease(176126, function(err, data){

Set your own custom User-Agent. This is optional as when omitted disconnect will set a default one with the value DisConnectClient/x.x.x where x.x.x is the installed version of disconnect.

var dis = new Discogs('MyUserAgent/1.0');

Get page 2 of USER_NAME's public collection showing 75 releases. The second param is the collection folder ID where 0 is always the "All" folder.

var col = new Discogs().user().collection();
col.getReleases('USER_NAME', 0, {page: 2, per_page: 75}, function(err, data){


When no callback is provided, the API functions return a native JS Promise for easy chaining.

var db = new Discogs().database();
		return db.getArtist(release.artists[0].id);

Output format

User, artist and label profiles can be formatted in different ways: plaintext, html and discogs. disconnect defaults to discogs, but the output format can be set for each client instance.

// Set the output format to HTML
var dis = new Discogs().setConfig({outputFormat: 'html'});

Discogs Auth

Just provide the client constructor with your preferred way of authentication.

// Authenticate by user token
var dis = new Discogs({userToken: 'YOUR_USER_TOKEN'});

// Authenticate by consumer key and secret
var dis = new Discogs({
	consumerKey: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY', 
	consumerSecret: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET'

The User-Agent can still be passed for authenticated calls.

var dis = new Discogs('MyUserAgent/1.0', {userToken: 'YOUR_USER_TOKEN'});


Below are the steps that involve getting a valid OAuth access token from Discogs. Note that in the following examples the app variable is an Express instance to handle incoming HTTP requests.

1. Get a request token

app.get('/authorize', function(req, res){
	var oAuth = new Discogs().oauth();
		function(err, requestData){
			// Persist "requestData" here so that the callback handler can 
			// access it later after returning from the authorize url

2. Authorize

After redirection to the Discogs authorize URL in step 1, authorize the application.

3. Get an access token

app.get('/callback', function(req, res){
	var oAuth = new Discogs(requestData).oauth();
		req.query.oauth_verifier, // Verification code sent back by Discogs
		function(err, accessData){
			// Persist "accessData" here for following OAuth calls 
			res.send('Received access token!');

4. Make OAuth calls

Simply provide the constructor with the accessData object persisted in step 3.

app.get('/identity', function(req, res){
	var dis = new Discogs(accessData);
	dis.getIdentity(function(err, data){


Image requests themselves don't require authentication, but obtaining the image URLs through, for example, release data does.

var db = new Discogs(accessData).database();
db.getRelease(176126, function(err, data){
	var url = data.images[0].resource_url;
	db.getImage(url, function(err, data, rateLimit){
		// Data contains the raw binary image data
		require('fs').writeFile('/tmp/image.jpg', data, 'binary', function(err){
			console.log('Image saved!');

