
Advanced Topics of Computer Vision including; Transfer Learning, Object Localization

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Advanced Computer Vision with TensorFlow

This repository serves as a roadmap to my advanced Computer Vision projects implemented with TensorFlow.

Please feel free to contribute in these repositories.


  • Transfer Learning for binary classification (link)

    This repository provides a practical guide on using transfer learning for binary classification tasks using TensorFlow.

  • Transfer Learning for multi-class classification (link)

    This repository contains code and resources for performing multi-class classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset using transfer learning.

  • Object Localization and Classification with One Network on MNIST Dataset (link)

    In this notebook, you'll build a CNN from scratch to:

    • classify the main subject in an image localize it by drawing bounding boxes around it. You'll use the MNIST dataset to synthesize a custom dataset for the task:

    • Place each "digit" image on a black canvas of width 75 x 75 at random locations. Calculate the corresponding bounding boxes for those "digits". The bounding box prediction can be modelled as a "regression" task, which means that the model will predict a numeric value (as opposed to a category)

    • Calculate the IOU (Intersection Over Union) metric to evaluate the model's performance

  • Predicting Bounding Boxes for Object Detection (link)

    • In this repository we use tensorflow hub pretrained modules to detect objects in images and draw bounding boxes around the detected objects using the outputs.
  • Interactive Eager Few Shot Od Training Colab (link)

    • In this repository we demonstrate fine tuning of a (TF2 friendly) RetinaNet architecture on very few examples of a novel class after initializing from a pre-trained COCO checkpoint.
  • Few-Shot Learning with Only 5 Images (link)

    • In this repository, we leverage the power of few-shot learning combined with a transfer learning approach to tackle the task of object detection.