
This repository contains several examples of lambda functions in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Lambda Functions in Python

This repository is dedicated to showcasing examples of lambda functions in Python.

What are lambda functions?

Lambda functions, also known as anonymous functions, are a type of function in Python that are defined without a name. They are typically used when you need a small, one-time use function that you don't want to define separately. Lambda functions are often used in combination with built-in functions like map(), filter(), and reduce(), which take a function as an argument.


This repository contains several examples of lambda functions in Python, including:

  • Basic syntax of lambda functions
  • Sorting a list of tuples based on the second element of each tuple
  • Filtering a list of strings based on a specific condition
  • Mapping a function to each element of a list
  • Reducing a list of numbers to a single value

How to use this repository

You can clone this repository to your local machine and run the Python files to see the lambda functions in action. Each file contains a brief explanation of what the lambda function does and how it works.


If you have an example of a lambda function that you would like to add to this repository, feel free to create a pull request. Contributions are always welcome!


If you want to learn more about lambda functions in Python, here are some helpful resources: