
A Testing Framework to Generate and Validate Unit Tests

Primary LanguageRust


VTester is a testing Appilcation that can be used to write and evaluate Unit tests.
Currently supported languages are C and Python. Tests are written in VazhaScript DSL.

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Current Features

  • Tauri GUI with React-ts frontend
  • Run and evaluate unit Tests
  • Write tests in VazhaScript DLS , provide test info, compiler info (currently supported : GCC ,Clang),add tests.
  • Run test locally and evaluate result.


  • clone the repo

Run the package in testing

cargo test

Build Dev package

yarn tauri dev

Build binary

yarn tauri build


  • Integrate with server,fetch and evaluate remote tests.
  • Add Authentication .
  • Inprove UI.
  • Improve VazhaScript syntax.
  • Result Dashboard.
  • Add Docker support.
  • Add TUI support : ) .