
Hugo module that adds an /admin section made of NetlifyCMS (soon StaticJsCMS) pages. Build your own CMS and manage hugo configuration, content, and data.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This hugo module adds an Administration section to any Hugo site. The pages in this section generate 7 instances of NetlifyCMS, soon to change to StaticJsCMS. The `content/admin/_index.md generates and edit the CMS's themselves, and sub-pages do the same for the collections and fields that comprise the CMSes, hugo configuration files and their fields, and the content and data that make up the site. This module is based ontheNewDynamic's hugo-module-tnd-netlifycms.


  • Hugo [] (Installation instructions)

  • Git [] (Installation instructions)

  • []A Hugo site tracked by Git

    hugo new site my-awesome-site
    cd my-awesome-site
    git init
    hugo mod init github.com/username/my-awesome-site
    # Replacing my-awesome-site with your site directory, and username with yours.


  1. Import this module in your Hugo config.toml.
            path = "github.com/basa-casa/hugo-scms-admin"
        - path: github.com/basa-casa/hugo-scms-admin
        "module": {
            "imports": [
                    "path": "github.com/basa-casa/hugo-scms-admin"
  2. Vendor the module files for easier copying/overriding
    hugo mod vendor
  3. Copy /content/admin/_index.md into your project
    cp _vendor/github.com/basa-casa/hugo-scms-admin/content/admin/_index.md content/admin/_index.md
  4. Modify the cascade.config object to reflect your project. This controls the static cms backend and other settings common to each sub-cms.
  5. Copy /content/admin/content/index.md into your project
    cp _vendor/github.com/basa-casa/hugo-scms-admin/content/admin/content/index.md content/admin/content/index.md
  6. Repeat Step 5 as needed, for other Admin CMS files you want to control.


Getting Started

  1. Run the development servers
    npx netlify-cms-proxy-server & hugo server && fg
    cp _vendor/github.com/basa-casa/hugo-scms-admin/dev.sh dev.sh
    sh dev.sh
  2. Open http://localhost:1313

Your site now has a mostly-blank index page at /, CMS instances at /admin, /admin/collections, /admin/fields, /admin/content, /admin/configuration, /admin/data, /admin/help, and help pages at /admin/help/admin/* for each CMS.


Manages the name, collections, and menu placement of each /admin/{{cms}}/index.md


Controls the collections available to content editors. You need to recreate this cms in /admin or by copying /content/admin/content/index.md from the module into your project and edit the list of collections.


Create and manage collections as individual .yml files in /data/scms/collections for import to any CMS.


Has collections enabled for creating 16 different types of fields as individual .yml files in /data/scms/fields for import to any collection or parent field.


Manage the Hugo configuration, with collections available for creating an individual config.(toml,yaml,json) files Hugo config.modules? Hugo Environments


Edits the markdown body for each admin (_)index.md file, creating help pages at (/admin/help/admin)(http://localhost:1313/admin/help/admin/content) and the like.