ParkingLot System
This project implements a fully automatic parking lot system which will keep track of the cars parked inside the parking lot and give the parking ticket to the car's driver. The system is opitmized in such way that car's driver gets the empty slot which is nearest to the entry point to park the car.
- GCC compiler : version 8.1.0
- To install in Ubuntu, run "$sudo apt install g++" or "$sudo apt install build-essential"
- To isntall in Mac, follow this link,
How to run the program
step-1 : open terminal
step-2 : clone or copy the program folder and navigate the terminal to that folder
step-3 : copy your custom input file into program folder or edit the existing input.txt file
step-4 : To run execute this command $g++ ParkingLot.cpp -o output
step-5 : $./output.exe input.txt (here input.txt should your custom input file or already existing input file in the folder)
step-6 : you will the output of the given input file in the ternimal
Some assumption for this system
- Parking lot has only one floor (though, can be changed to multi floor parking lot)
- All cars are of the same size and slots in the parking lot also has the same size
- Each car has unique registration number and has a unique driver
- We will proceed to next command if the current given command is invalid