
Primary LanguageJavaScript


routes: 1. http://localhost:3000/score --- POST request -> to enter the score in database 2. http://localhost:3000/user --- POST request -> to enter user into the database 3. http://localhost:3000/user --- GET request -> to get the users from the database 4. http://localhost:3000/score ---GET request -> to get the score from the database 5. http://localhost:3000/max --- GET request -> to find the student with the maximum marks 6. http://localhost:3000/avg --- GET request -> to find the average of students

database:task tables: 1.candidate -> with fields id, name, email_address,test_id 2. test_score -> with fields id, test_score1, test_score2, test_score3

packages installed: express, ,sql

POSTMAN to fetch api