The idea is to feed an array of data or a database query to PHP/NodeJS class and to have instantly a grid with server-side sorting, filtering and pagination.
Online demo is available here.
Look at work/ subdirectory for demo projects
Your project must meet the requirements.
Dynamic Table consists of two parts - backend and frontend:
- Backend
- server-side PHP - set of PHP classes for PHP arrays, PDO, Doctrine ORM and Doctrine MongoDB ODM support
- or server-side NodeJS - set of JavaScript classes for arrays, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
- Frontend
- jQuery plugin - the main plugin
- and, if you need it, AngularJS wrapper for the plugin
- Backend data mapper now receives values of TYPE_DATETIME type columns as DateTime (PHP) or moment.js (NodeJS) objects.
- Adapters now have optional setDbTimezone() method, which specifies the time zone of data source