
NodeJS client library for the Base API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

Node.js client for the Base API service, with it you can manage authentication, email sending, files and images of your application.


Add the dependency to your package.json with:

yarn add base-api-io


npm install base-api-io --save


  1. Sign up on www.base-api.io and create an application and copy its access token.

  2. Require the package:

    const { Client } = require("base-api-io")
  3. Create a client:

    client =
      new Client("your_access_token")

All functions return promises so you can chain them or just await them.

Sending email

Using the emails endpoint on the client you can send emails:

// Sending an email
email =
  await client.emails.send(
    "Subject: Test Email"
    "<b>Html message</b>",
    "Text message")


Using the users endpoint on the client you can create / get or delete users:

// Listing users
users = await client.users.list()
users.items          // The array of users
users.metadata.count //The metadata object containing the total count

// Create a user with email / password
user =
  await client.users.create(
    { age: 32 })

// Get a users details by the id
user =
  await client.users.get("user_id")

// Update a users email / custom data
user =
  await client.users.update(
    { age: 32 })

// Delete a user by id
user =
  await client.users.delete("user_id")


Using the sessions endpoint on the client you can authenticate a user.

// Create a user with email / password
user =
  await client.sessions.authenticate(

Forgot Password Flow

Using the passwords endpoint on the client you can perform a forgot password flow.

// Create an forgot password token for the user with the given email address.
token =

// Using that token set a new password.
user =


Using the files endpoint on the client you can create / get / delete or download files:

// Listing files
files = await client.files.list()
files.items          // The array of files
files.metadata.count //The metadata object containing the total count

// Create a file
file =
  await client.files.create({
    content_type: "text/plain",
    file: "/path/to/file",

// Get a file by id
file =
  await client.files.get("file_id")

// Delete a file by id
file =
  await client.files.delete("file_id")

// Get a download URL to the file by id
url =
  await client.files.downloadUrl("file_id")

// Download the file by id into a Buffer
buffer =
  await client.files.download("file_id")


Using the images endpoint on the client you can create / get / delete or process images:

// Listing images
images = await client.images.list()
images.items          // The array of images
images.metadata.count //The metadata object containing the total count

// Create an image
image =
  await client.images.create({
    file: "/path/to/image.png",
    content_type: "image/png"

// Get a image by id
image =
  await client.images.get("image_id")

// Delete a image by id
image =
  await client.images.delete("image_id")

// Get a link to a prcessed version (crop & resize) of the image by id
url =
  await client.images.imageUrl("image_id",
    crop: {width: 100, height: 100, top: 0, left: 0},
    resize: {width: 100, height: 100},
    format: "jpg",
    quality: 10)

Mailing Lists

A project can have many mailing lists which can be managed from the interface.

The mailingLists endpoint allows you to programatically subscribe / unsubscribe emails to a mailing list and send emails to all subscribes using a single call.

// List mailing lists
lists = await client.mailingLists.list(page: 1, per_page: 10)
lists.items     // The array of mailing lists
lists.metadata  // The metadata object containing the total count

// Get a mailing list by id
list =
  await client.mailingLists.get('list_id')

// Subscribe an email to a mailing list.
list =
  await client.mailingLists.subscribe('mailing_list_id', 'test@user.com')

// Unsubscribe an email from a mailing list.
list =
  await client.mailingLists.unsubscribe('mailing_list_id', 'test@user.com')

// Get a public unsubscribe url for the given mailing list and email which
// when click unsubscribes a user from the mailing list and redirects to the
// unsubscribe_redirect_url of the list.
url =
  client.mailingLists.unsubscribeUrl('mailing_list_id', 'test@user.com')

// Send the same email to all of the subscribers
results =
  await client.mailingLists.send(


A project can have many forms and those form can have many submissions.

The forms endpoint allows you to programatically create, submit and manage forms.

// List forms
forms = await client.forms.list(1, 10)
forms.items     // The array of forms
forms.metadata  // The metadata object containing the total count

// Create a form
form =
  await client.forms.create('Form')

// Get a form
form =
  await client.forms.get('form_id')

// Delete a form (and it's submissions)
form =
  await client.forms.delete('form_id')

// Submit a form
submission =
  await client.forms.submit('form_id', { key: 'value' })

// List form submissions
submissions = await client.forms.submissions('form_id', 1, 10)
submissions.items     // The array of forms submissions
submissions.metadata  // The metadata object containing the total count

// Get a submission
submission =
  await client.forms.getSubmission('form_id', 'submission_id')

// Update a submissions
submission =
  await client.forms.updateSubmission('form_id', 'submission_id', { key: 'value' })

// Delete a submission
submission =
  await client.forms.deleteSubmission('form_id', 'submission_id')


This library uses Needle, you can run the CI tasks locally with make.


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/base-api-io/base-node/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
