
Leverage the FileMaker® 17 Data API with ease!

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Leverage the FileMaker® 17 Data API with ease!

fmRESTor is an object-based PHP library developed to seamlessly interact with databases and custom apps hosted on a FileMaker Server via the new powerful FileMaker Data API from within a PHP code. Forget about learning FileMaker Data API in detail, just create a new object, passing it necessary parameters to connect to the database, and use our easy to understand methods to access or modify your data. fmRESTor will take care of authentication, exceptions, logging, and even session preservation in order for your code to be a well-behaving client for the FileMaker Data API without you having to worry about these technical details.

We have created fmRESTor for ourselves to make it easier and faster to interact with FileMaker databases from within custom web apps we create, without having to waste our valuable time on repeating writing the same patterns over and over again, hunting for unnecessary bugs, and to be able to produce clean, easy to read and easy to maintain code.

We at 24U believe that the whole FileMaker developers community will benefit from the FileMaker Platform not only having new powerful RESTful API, but also developers using the API nicely and efficiently, therefore we decided to make our library available as Open Source, under the GNU LGPLv3 license.

We will greatly appreciate your contributions, although we cannot provide free support for the library. You may, however, hire us to help you with your projects for money, either by purchasing developer-level support from us at https://www.24uSoftware.com/DevSupport or by utilizing our custom development services, available at https://www.24uSoftware.com/CustomDevelopment.


  • One object class conveniently handles everything
  • Automatically generates authentication token
  • Re-uses existing token to avoid unnecessary additional connections
  • Automatically re-generates expired token
  • Handles exceptions and provides meaningful error results
  • Can handle raw form data for easier container uploads
  • Provides customizable debug logging


  • PHP >= 5.5
  • cURL
  • FileMaker 17 database


Include downloaded library file to your project and create new class instance.

require_once __DIR__ . '/fmRESTor.php';

$fm = new fmRESTor($host, $database, $layout, $user, $password, $options, $fmDataSource);

Instance parameters:

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
$host string yes Hostname or IP address where FileMaker database is hosted
$database string yes FileMaker database name
$layout string yes Database layout name to work on
$user string yes User login to database
$password string yes User password to database
$options array optional Additional library configuration
$fmDataSource array optional Login to an external data source

Options parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Default value Description
logType string optional LOG_TYPE_NONE LOG_TYPE_DEBUG - Debug logging level
LOG_TYPE_ERRORS - Log errors only
LOG_TYPE_NONE - Disable logging
logDir string optional "log" (same path as library file) Custom default folder for log output
sessionName string optional "fm-api-token" Custom session name, available in "$_SESSION['custom_session_name']"
tokenExpireTime number optional 14 Expiration time in minutes. fmRESTor automatically handles database login and saves token with its expiration time (into $_SESSION var) during first request. If expired, fmRESTor automatically reconnects to database on next request.
allowInsecure boolean optional false Valid SSL certificate required unless set to true


require_once __DIR__ . '/fmRESTor.php';

$options = array(
	"logType" => "all",
	"logDir" => dirname(__DIR__) . "/my-logs", 
	"sessionName" => "fm-api-token",
	"tokenExpireTime" => 14,
	"allowInsecure" => true 

$fmDataSource = array(
        "database" => "fmRESTorBUDY",
        "username" => "budy",
        "password" => "budy123456"

$fm = new fmRESTor($host, $database, $layout, $user, $password, $options, $fmDataSource);



Close current session in the FileMaker database.

 * @return mixed
public function logout()




Create a record in the contextual table of the layout specified as an instance parameter.

 * @param array $parameters
 * @return bool|mixed
public function createRecord($parameters)


$parameters = array(
    "fieldData" => array(
        "surname" => "Create Name",
        "email" => "email@email.com",
        "birthday" => "1.1.2001",
        "personal_identification_number" => "99",
        "address" => "Street 24, City"


Complete list of optional parameters is available at http://fmhelp.filemaker.com/docs/17/en/dataapi/#work-with-records_create-record


Delete a record of given ID from the contextual table of the layout specified as an instance parameter.

 * @param integer $id
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return bool|mixed
public function deleteRecord($id, $parameters)


$parameters = array(
    "script" => "PHP_LOG_REQUEST",
    "script.param" => "script.param",
    "script.prerequest" => "PHP_LOG_REQUEST",
    "script.prerequest.param" => "script.prerequest.param",
    "script.presort" => "PHP_LOG_REQUEST",
    "script.presort.param" => "script.presort.param"

$recordID = 4;

$fm->deleteRecord($recordID, $parameters);

Complete list of optional parameters is available at http://fmhelp.filemaker.com/docs/17/en/dataapi/#work-with-records_delete-record


Update a record of given ID from the contextual table of the layout specified as an instance parameter.

 * @param integer $id
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return bool|mixed
public function editRecord($id, $parameters)


$parameters = array(
	"fieldData" => array(
        "surname" => "Name was edited",
        "email" => "emailwasedited@email.com",
        "personal_identification_number" => "1",

$recordID = 4;

$fm->editRecord($recordID, $parameters);

Complete list of optional parameters is available at http://fmhelp.filemaker.com/docs/17/en/dataapi/#work-with-records_edit-record


Get a record of given ID from the contextual table of the layout specified as an instance parameter.

 * @param integer $id
 * @option array $parameters
 * @return bool|mixed
public function getRecord($id, $parameters = null)


$parameters = array(
	"script" => "PHP_LOG_REQUEST",
    "script.param" => "script.param",
    "script.prerequest" => "PHP_LOG_REQUEST",
    "script.prerequest.param" => "script.prerequest.param",
    "script.presort" => "PHP_LOG_REQUEST",
    "script.presort.param" => "script.presort.param",
    "layout.response"=> "php_user",
    "_limit.USER_licence"=> 5,
    "_offset.USER_licence"=> 10

$recordID = 4;

$fm->getRecord($recordID, $parameters);

Complete list of optional parameters is available at http://fmhelp.filemaker.com/docs/17/en/dataapi/#work-with-records_get-records


Get multiple records from the contextual table of the layout specified as an instance parameter. The function returns all records if called with no parameter or those fitting the criteria specified in its parameter.

 * @option array $parameters
 * @return bool|mixed
public function getRecords($parameters = null)


$parameters = array(


Complete list of optional parameters is available at http://fmhelp.filemaker.com/docs/17/en/dataapi/#work-with-records_get-records


Upload form data and store into container field.

 * @param integer $id
 * @param string $containerFieldName
 * @param string containerFieldRepetition
 * @param array $file
 * @return bool|mixed
public function uploadFormDataToContainter($id, $containerFieldName, $containerFieldRepetition, $file)


$recordID = 4;
$containerFieldName = "photo";
$containerFieldRepetition = 1;
$file = $_FILES["photo"];

$fm->uploadFormDataToContainter($recordID, $containerFieldName, $containerFieldRepetition, $file);


Upload file and store into container field.

 * @param integer $id
 * @param string $containerFieldName
 * @param integer $containerFieldRepetition
 * @param string $path
 * @return bool|mixed
public function uploadFileToContainter($id, $containerFieldName, $containerFieldRepetition, $path)


$recordID = 4;
$containerFieldName = "photo";
$containerFieldRepetition = 1;
$file = __DIR__ . "/myImage.png";

$fm->uploadFileToContainter($recordID, $containerFieldName, $containerFieldRepetition, $path);


Returns a set of records from the contextual table of the layout specified as an instance parameter, fitting the find criteria specified in its parameter.

  * @param array $parameters
  * @return bool|mixed
public function findRecords($parameters)


$parameters = array(
	"query" => array(
            "email" => "email@email.com",
            "birthday" => "1.1.2001",
            "personal_identification_number" => "99",
            "address" => "Street 24, City",
            "omit" => "true"


Complete list of optional parameters is available at http://fmhelp.filemaker.com/docs/17/en/dataapi/#perform-a-find-request


Sets the values for global fields specified in its parameter.

 * @param array $parameters
 * @return bool|mixed
public function setGlobalField($parameters)


$parameters = array(
	"globalFields" => array(
        "USER::g_one" => "Global g_one is set up",
        "USER::g_text" => "Global g_text is set up"


Complete list of optional parameters is available at http://fmhelp.filemaker.com/docs/17/en/dataapi/#set-global-fields


Navigates to a database layout specified by its name.

Example: An user needs the data from multiple tables within a single class instance, which is created with only one layout specified. Therefore he requests the data from the contextual table, switches to a different layout using setFileMakerLayout method and requests the data from the contextual table of new layout.

 * @param string $layout
 * @return bool
public function setFilemakerLayout($layout)




If the request is valid, an user receives a direct response from FileMaker. Otherwise, the response may contain an error (or success) code. The codes are described below:

Error Code Description
-101 Options - Invalid value for parameter "logType"
-102 Options - Invalid value for parameter "logDir"
-103 Options - Invalid value for parameter "sessionName"
-104 Options - Invalid value for parameter "tokenExpireTime"
-105 Options - Invalid value for parameter "AllowInsecure"
Success Code Description
101 User was succesfully logged out


The examples for each method are available inside the folder "demo".


fmRESTor is licensed under the "GNU LGPLv3" License.