
Dependency injector for RequireJS modules.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Requirejs-mock Build Status Coverage Status


requirejs-mock is a dependency injector for RequireJS modules. It allows you easily mock your module dependencies.


npm install requirejs-mock --save-dev

Usage example

var requirejs = require('requirejs');
var Injector = require('requirejs-mock').provide(requirejs);

describe('Test', function() {
  var injector;
  var mockA;
  var mockB;

  beforeEach(function() {
    // instantiate injector
    injector = Injector.create();

    // remapping to mock module (defined in separate file)
    injector.map('module/a', 'mock/a');

    // if you need to check smth on mockA
    mockA = injector.require('module/a');

    // use direct mock
    mockB = { someAction: jasmine.createSpy() };
    injector.mock('module/b', mockB);

  // cleanup
  afterEach(function() {

  it('should work', function() {
    // require module C that depends on A and B
    var c = injector.require('module/c');



Instantiate injector

First of all you need to create an injector that will allow you to mock your modules dependencies.

// Get RequireJS instance
var requirejs = require('requirejs');

// Get Injector and provide RequireJS to it
var Injector = require('requirejs-mock').provide(requirejs);

beforeEach(function() {
  // instantiate injector
  var injector = Injector.create();

  // instantiate injector for non-default context (if such is configured for RequireJS)
  var otherInjector = Injector.create({ context: 'specs' });


injector.require(name) - require the module. Module value will be returned.

var moduleA;
beforeEach(function() {
  moduleA = injector.require('module/a');



Replaces module value with provided one.

injector.mock(name, value) - mock single module

injector.mock(Object(name: value)) - mock few modules

It's possible to provide any value (function, object, number, string, etc) as a result for the mocked module.

describe('Mocks', function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    // provide a value that will be returned as a module
    injector.mock('module/a', valueA);
    injector.mock('module/b', valueB);

      'module/a': valueA,
      'module/b': valueB

  it('should work', function() {

Notice: It's not possible to use injector.mock() and injector.map() for same module at a time. Notice: It's not possible to mock module that has been mocked before.


injector.unmock(...name) - Remove mocks for one or few modules

injector.unmock() - Remove mocks for all modules mocked before

If you don't need a mock anymore it's possible to remove it. Original module value will be returned afterwards if you require the module.

// Unmock single module

// Unmock few modules at once
injector.unmock('module/a', 'module/b');

// Unmock all previiously mocked modules


Setup maps

injector.map(name, replacerName) - map module name to module replacerName

injector.map(Object(name, replacerName)) - map few modules to replacements

If you have a module mock in a separate file and just need to replace module with it - you should use module mapping. Notice that the replacer module should also be an AMD module.

beforeEach(function() {
  var injector = Injector.create();

  // remap module A to its mock
  injector.map('module/a', 'mock/a');
  injector.map('module/b', 'mock/b');

  // or as an object
    'module/a': 'mock/a',
    'module/b': 'mock/b'

  // load module C (that depends on A and B)
  var c = injector.require('module/c');

You could also provide different maps at the same time and restore original module value:

beforeEach(function() {
  var injector = Injector.create();

  // get original module value
  var aOrig = injector.require('module/a');

  // remap module/a => mock/a
  injector.map('module/a', 'mock/a');

  var a = injector.require('module/a');
  console.log(a === aOrig); // => false

  // remap module A => mock/a_one
  injector.map('module/a', 'mock/a_one');

  var aOne = injector.require('module/a');
  console.log(aOne === a); // => false
  console.log(aOne === aOrig); // => false

  // restore original module
    injector.require('module/a') === aOrig
  ); // => true

Cleanup maps

injector.unmap(...name) - Remove mapping from module or few modules

injector.unmap() - Remove mappings from all previously mapped modules

If you need to get an original module instead of mapped mock - you could unmap the module.

// unmap single module

// unmap few modules at once
injector.unmap('module/a', 'module/b');

// unmap all modules mapped before

Notice: It's not possible to use injector.mock() and injector.map() for module at the same time.

Undefining a module

When you require() a module - RequireJS will automatically cache it with all dependencies. If you need to provide another dependencies mocks you should undefine module and then require() module again.

// Assume that you have module C that depends on module A and B
// module C is required and cached
var c = injector.require('module/c');

// provide mocks for dependencies
injector.mock('module/a', 123);
injector.mock('module/b', 456);

// undefine module C to get fresh dependencies afterwards

// get module C with mocked dependencies
c = injector.require('module/c');

Notice: If you're using mock() module cache will be removed automatically for you and mocked module value will be returned afterwards, as expected.

// get original A value
var a = injector.require('module/a');

// mock module A
injector.mock('module/a', 123);
injector.require('module/a'); // => 123

Destroying the injector

You should always destroy injector to cleanup after it.

afterEach(function() {
  // cleanup

RequireJS versions support

requirejs-mock supports RequireJS versions starting from 2.1.12. Previous versions are not supported.


1.0.1 - Apr. 04, 2015

Provide additional documentation.

1.0.0 - Mar. 22, 2015

First stable release that supports all planned injector features.

  • [breaking] It's not possible to mock() and map() module at the same time. Previous behavior was not specified
  • Added ability to remove mocks and maps used before
  • Added ability to remove module from RequireJS cache

0.9.0 - Mar. 16, 2015

Initial release with basic capabilities