API plugin, which provides the common shared functionality for various Docker-related plugins.


  • API for managing Docker image and container fingerprints
  • Credentials and location of Docker Registry
  • Credentials and location of Docker Daemon (aka Docker Remote API)
  • ToolInstallation for Docker CLI clients
  • DockerImageExtractor extension point to get Docker image relations from jobs
  • Simple UI referring related image fingerprints in Docker builds
  • etc.

More info is available on the plugin's Wiki page


MIT License

Declarative pipeline example

An example on how to bind Docker host/daemon credentials in a declarative pipeline:

pipeline {
  agent any
  tools {
    // a bit ugly because there is no `@Symbol` annotation for the DockerTool
    // see the discussion about this in PR 77 and PR 52: 
    // https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-commons-plugin/pull/77#discussion_r280910822
    // https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-commons-plugin/pull/52
    'org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.tools.DockerTool' '18.09'
  environment {
    DOCKER_CERT_PATH = credentials('id-for-a-docker-cred')
  stages {
    stage('foo') {
      steps {
        sh "docker version" // DOCKER_CERT_PATH is automatically picked up by the Docker client