
A repository for the open source Reddit bot, basedcount_bot.

Primary LanguagePython

basedcount_bot v3.0.0

basedcount_bot is a Reddit bot that keeps track of how often users of r/PoliticalCompassMemes use the term "based" or other variations. It also tracks the "pills" the user is said to have taken. Users may interact with the bot by commenting or replying with certain keyword commands, including checking their own Based Count or that of other users as well as viewing a top 10 Most Based list.

This bot is by no means a serious endeavor and is intended to be used in good fun. This bot is not a political tool and may or may not be reflective of the political leanings of its developer.


/info - Replies with an info comment, including bot version number, FAQ link, and a list of commands

based (or any of its variations) - Adds 1 to the parent author's Based Count

/mybasedcount - Replies with your Based Count

/basedcount [username] - Replies with the Based Count of the user

/mostbased - Replies with a list of the top 10 users

/removepill [pill name] - Removes the pill from your profile




  • CodapopKSP
  • Squidtoon99
  • isFakeAccount
  • Atalocke