
ARM template to run CJP on Azure

Primary LanguageShell

CloudBees Jenkins Platform on Azure ARM

Deploy CJOC and a set of CJE masters on Azure using ARM template.


Template do run installation scripts to prepare the instances. It relies on fixed private IPs ( to pre-configure CJOC with connected masters. shell script do create the required xml configuration on jenkins oc and masters.


Marketplace Licenseing plugin is used to generate a dynamic lisence. As azure does not (yet) offer a metadata API, we rely on injecting license details during provisionning, then encrypt using instance UUID. This results in a binary file in JENKKINS_HOME, harder to hack.


How to test

One can't test the full template deployment (need to publish, get certified, then push to staging) But on can test the technical ARM template and the UI definition using those links :

UI definition

UI definition can be tested from last commit on github using :

ARM Template

Use browser development tools to capture the UI definition JSON output. Store in parameters.json, edit if necessary

Create a resource group test123, then run

azure group deployment create test123 --template-file mainTemplate.json --parameters-file parameters.json

Can also run the template with some UI definition from last commit on github using :