Extensible application by modularization. Core application shall be stable, so no minimal modification necessary when new requirements come in.
Req_01: The user shall be able to interact with the application by entering values and getting calculated values derived from their inputs.
Req_02: ComponentA shall have a button. When the user presses this button a value is incremented. The button label shows that value. Initial value is 19.
Req_03: ComponentB shall have a button as well. When pressed it retrieves a value from an API call and adds it to its own value which is displayed in the button label. Initial state of the own variable is 76.
Req_04: ComponentC displays the sum of the values of ComponentA und ComponentB.
Req_05: ComponentD has a button to reset the variables to their initial ones. ComponentD has no knowledge of the initial values.
Setup environment
poetry install
npm install
Start Backend via
poetry run python -m backend.app
Start the Frontend (in a 2nd Terminal) via
npm start