
Official documentation for building websites on the BaseKit platform

Primary LanguageCSS

Official documentation for building websites on the BaseKit platform



Local Installation

Running the site on your local machine:

  1. $ gem install github-pages - Install github pages ruby gem
  2. $ git clone git@github.com:basekit/docs.basekit.com.git - clone project
  3. $ cd docs.basekit.com - Switch to project directory
  4. $ jekyll serve --watch - Serve site locally using Jekyll
  5. go to http://localhost:4000

Install Dependencies

Installing all the assets and dependencies required for development:

  1. $ brew install npm - Install node
  2. $ npm install - Install package dependencies
  3. $ bower install - Install project assets

Gulp Tasks

These are tasks that can be ran with gulp, all of which take the installed bower components and place them into the relevant project directories:

  • $ gulp - Processes all assets for the project

    • $ gulp styles - Copies all style files into _sass directory

      • $ gulp css - Converts CSS assets into SCSS and copies it into the _sass directory
      • $ gulp sass - Copies SCSS assets into the _sass directory
    • $ gulp icons - Prepares SVG and PNG icons

      • $ gulp svg - Compiles SVG icons into single icons.svg file
      • $ gulp png - Creates PNG counterparts of each SVG icon and places them into the assets/icons directory
      • $ gulp fonticons - Copies icons fonts into fonts directory


The Documentation uses markdown to manage it's content. It also uses pygments for code samples and liquid shortcodes for small chunks of HTML. Take a look at the examples below:

Code Sample

{% highlight html %}
{% raw %}
<div class="element">
  <span>This is some sample HTML</span>
{% endraw %}
{% endhighlight %}


{% include button.html link="http://docs.basekit.com" text="This a button" %}

Centralised Text

{% include aligncenter.html content="This text is centre aligned" %}

Centralised Button

{% include buttoncenter.html link="http://docs.basekit.com" text="This button is centre aligned" %}

Call To Action

> **IMPORTANT**: This is a breaking change.

This repository is running with No License.

You have no permission from the creators of the software to use, modify, or share the software. Although a code host such as GitHub may allow you to view and fork the code, this does not imply that you are permitted to use, modify, or share the software for any purpose.