an assignment from 3D-CGA class
an application that allows the user to create a polygon mesh. The application must allow the user to:
- Add/delete a polygon (triangle) surface.
- Edit a polygon.
- Display the normal of a surface.
- Save a mesh to a file.
- Load a mesh from a file.
- Display a mesh.
- Rotate the mesh on the main axes.
- Zoom the mesh in/out.
- Perform back face culling on the mesh. The user may toggle the back face culling on and off.
- Bonus points for user friendliness. Negatives points for extreme user unfriendliness.
The polygons in this application are represented using a list of vertex coordinates.
You may use the built-in procedure for drawing a line.
- Implement V.0.2.2 features to main.
- Create exe file
v.1.0.0 - implement all recent features to main, create exe file using electron, edit and fix bugs
v.0.2.2 - added view normal on polygon lists
- added this feature cause apparently it is on the pA-7 docs.
- the normal isn't updated in real time cause its too much of a hassle
v.0.2.1 - added delete overlapping mesh on save(11/1/20-12.45 AM)
- still buggy but we don't have anytime to fix it. (plus i'm lazy lol)
-- added backface culling to main(10/29/20-1.24 AM)
v.0.2.0 - added save mesh, and change mesh color features(10/28/20-8.02 PM)
- New update is added in v.0.0.3-1 folder (check the desc) of the folder
v.0.1.3 - added z rotation, backface culling, and fix some bugs (10/24/20-3.16 AM)
- z rotation by using "q" and "e" key press. (just like we discussed before).
- added backface culling feature with a toggle button in the menu.
- fixing the bugs on models.js and cube.json due to the added backface culling features.
EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES - mouse click to change polygon points (10/22/20-10.21 AM)
- hover to choose which polygon to control.
- click on the polygon point to choose which point to control.
- pressing the tilde key (usually the key before key "1") will confirm the selection.
- click on anywhere in canvas. and click the tilde key while still clicking on canvas.
- z position cannot be changed at the moment.
v.0.1.2 - added edit existing polygon function (10/22/20-12.07 AM)
- to edit existing polygon simply click on the polygon list u want to edit.
- polygon input and the button will automatically change.
v.0.1.1 - added view selected polygon function (10/20/20-7.47 PM)
- user can view selected polygon (from list of polygon) on hover.
- seperated ui control function to another file.
v.0.1.0 - all week 1 criteria already implemented (10/19/20-5.18 PM)
- Added add/delete polygons Feature.
- next UI update will be v.1.0.0 (i hope so).
v.0.0.6 - implement main function v.0.0.5, and use it in main User Interface (10/19/2020-12.53PM)
v.0.0.5 - bug fixes (10/19/20-3.40AM).
v.0.0.4 - updated main function (10/19/20-00.21AM).
- Added choose Model control Function.
v.0.0.3 - changed main function (10/18/20-5.05PM).
- more crappy Mouse/keyboard event for controls (W,A,S,D/ ARROWS to move, W,A,S,D/ ARROWS + Right Click to rotate, Z-X to zoom);
- Add load mesh function;
- better stepping transformation.
- add a cube and pyramid mesh in JSON.
v.0.0.2 - add UI components and canvas field events(10/17/20-9.12PM).
- Add Mouse-Event for canvas field to zoom, change the view.
- Add Tutorial section, and About section.
- Add library: bootstrap-4, Material-Icons. this library is for User Interface.
v.0.0.1 - Adding some stuff to get started (10/16/20-11.13PM).
- Implemented basic function (viewing a cube).
- Implemented crude rotate function.
- Basic keyboard controls (WASD/ARROWS). this must have stop func
- still not node.js sadly
- add user interface for start