
BasePHP Package - Database and Query Builder

Primary LanguagePHP

Note: This repository requires the use of the BasePHP framework. If you would like to learn more about the framework, visit BasePHP.

BasePHP Component - Database

Database and Query Builder for BasePHP.

Quick Links:


(1) Add sensitive information in your .env file


(2) If you do not have the /config/db.php, then copy the db.example.php from this repo and rename it.


use \Base\Support\Facades\DB;


// get a single user from the database
$user = DB::table('users')->where('id',912864)->first();

// get all users in the database, order the results
$users = DB::table('users')->order('id ASC')->get();

// get all users that have gmail email address (writing custom SQL)
$users = DB::table('users')->where('email LIKE "%gmail.com" ')->get();

// count how many users are enabled
$enabledUsers = DB::table('users')->where(['status'=>'enabled'])->count();

// get most recent 10 enabled users
$users = DB::table('users')
            ->order('id DESC')

// get all the cities that have over 1,000,000 population
$cities = DB::table('postal_codes')
            ->having('population > 1000000')

// get the average price of all ebooks from the products table
$avgPrice = DB::table('products')->where('category','ebooks')->avg('price');

Update items:

// change user's name
        'name' => 'John Smith'

// increase this users "page view" count

Insert items:

// add a new user to the table, and return the new ID
$newUserId =  DB::table('users')
                    'name' => 'John Smith',
                    'email' => 'jsmith@email.com'

Delete items:

// delete a user by id

// delete all users with deleted = 1
    ->where(['deleted' => 1])


// Writing a RAW SQL query to get 10 products from the database.
$products = DB::query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE status = 'enabled' LIMIT 10");
foreach($products as $product)
    // display products here

// get a single products
$product = DB::query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '$productId'")->first();

// writing an update query
DB::query("UPDATE products SET price = 61.41 WHERE id = '$id' ");

// writing raw queries (without the query builder)
$newUserId = DB::query("INSERT INTO users WHERE name = 'John Smith', email = 'jsmith@email.com' ");

Query Builder

These methods are stackable

Method Option Description
table() Required - MUST BE FIRST FROM table
join() Optional JOIN table
select() Optional - Default: * SELECT fields
where() Optional WHERE
in() Optional IN (values)
not() Optional NOT IN (values)
limit() Optional LIMIT number
offset() Optional LIMIT offset,limit
order() Optional ORDER BY fields
group() Optional GROUP BY fields
having() Optional HAVING
distinct() Optional SELECT DISTINCT

Note: For every new query, first use the table() method.

Execute Queries

These methods execute "read" queries and return database results

Method Description
get() Run the query and return all items as a Collection object
first() Run the query and return the first item
last() Run the query and return the last item
count() Run a COUNT query and return the number
sum('field') Get the SUM(field) of a table and return the number
avg('field') Get the AVG(field) of a table and return the number
min('field') Get the MIN(field) of a table and return the number
max('field') Get the MAX(field) of a table and return the number

These methods execute "write" queries

Method Description
update(array) Run the UPDATE query
insert(array) Run the INSERT query, returns insert id
delete() Run the DELETE query
increment(field, value) Run the UPDATE query
decrement(field, value) Run the UPDATE query
truncate() Run the TRUNCATE query

Write a raw query

Method Description
query(string) Write a raw SQL query and return its results

Note: Raw Queries will return results into a Collection, unless you are "writing" to the database.

Note: Queries that use INSERT will return the insert_id automatically

Utility Methods:

Method Description
escape(string) Escape a string for database injection
isWriteSql(string) Checks a string if the SQL statement is write type
isInsertSql(string) Checks a string if the SQL statement is INSERT

Note: all values passed into query methods (not custom SQL's) automatically run through escape()

Database Support

Currently only supports MySQL connections