
Python Game of Chance Implitmation

Primary LanguagePython

A python implementation of game of chance

This is a game that tests your luck.

In this game you compete against an AI in 4 different games.


Assuming python executable is python3 and is executable in path.it can be run by

$ python3 GameOfChance.py

The output should look like this

You have 100 bucks.
How many coin flip rounds do you wanna play?

Game tutorial

There are 4 games. 1.Coin flip 2.Cards Game. 3.Even or Odds. 4.Roulette

Coin flip

This game is based on a coin being flipped by AI.

You will guess if the coin is Heads or Tails.

By default this program handles 1 as Heads and 2 as Tails.


This game is a game where AI will draw cards for you and AI

If your cards number if higher than AI's card number you will win.

Even or Odds

This is based on the popular bating game of Even or Odds.

In this game the AI will role 2 dice for you.

You have to guess if the sum of the dice is Even or Odds.


This is based on the roulette game.