- 0
- 0
Documentation popup is cropped
#1237 opened by songyang-dev - 4
Configuration and/or cache folders
#1231 opened by krystalcode - 0
Start the server on a host/port
#1236 opened by krystalcode - 0
OOM error from cyclic symlinks in repo
#1235 opened by tmuehlbacher - 0
type annotation
#1233 opened by Freed-Wu - 0
- 0
- 6
- 2
Official OpenVSX Release
#1180 opened by trymeouteh - 1
Unable to disable snippetSupport with Eglot in Emacs
#1219 opened by IceAsteroid - 0
extension deps security vulnerabilities
#1214 opened by ctf0 - 0
- 8
Syntax error: Unexpected token when running with Kate on KDE Neon with Plasma 6
#1207 opened by luciph0r - 0
Error: ShellCheck: json parse failed with error SyntaxError when opening bash files in Kate using bash-language-server LSP Client
#1205 opened by virtualistic - 0
- 2
Installation fails, due to missing commander@^11.0.0
#1197 opened by navid-zamani - 0
Formatting of associative arrays on save
#1188 opened by jythub - 4
Deprecation Warning with Node.js Versions Above 20.11.1 in bash-language-server
#1119 opened by Stephen291299 - 0
Indicate "chapter" as a symbol in outline
#1182 opened by lamyergeier - 3
Inlay Hint Support
#1173 opened by Popkornium18 - 5
Send valid document range for textDocument/format
#1177 opened by Waqar144 - 3
`shfmt` doesn't work in VS Code
#1174 opened by lishaduck - 1
Problems with big endian / s390x
#1179 opened by juru1234 - 1
- 0
Update pnpm-lock to address CVE issues
#1172 opened by cryptomilk - 2
The GUI application was launched unexpectedly by the VSCode Bash IDE during string completion
#1170 opened by shizhx - 2
Bash symbol list is incomplete
#1108 opened by vonschutter - 0
- 1
Autocomplete environment variables
#1169 opened by Chaitanyabsprip - 2
[question] how do I set --indent for shfmt
#1161 opened by smartding - 0
Do not trigger heredoc functionality within bash Arithmetic expansion with left shift operator
#1167 opened by FolkerD0C - 0
local variables which are defined & re-assigned in a function are shown to be accessible globally
#1166 opened by ShadowCreator250 - 10
Unexpected launch of programs
#1116 opened by ChillerDragon - 1
pnpm compile failed
#1164 opened by adoyle-h - 0
Formatting files using shfmt results in an empty file when shfmt can't parse the file
#1162 opened by chris-reeves - 3
Bash IDE VsCode Extension not being updated
#1156 opened by Jimmyscene - 1
The npm package has not updated
#1159 opened by adoyle-h - 1
Code snippet for `case` is invalid
#1157 opened by xprnio - 1
shellcheck's directive for shell is not working
#1139 opened by moonfruit - 1
`'textDocument/rename'` does not include variable references in `(( ))` (arithmetic)
#1134 opened by chrisgrieser - 1
Parser breaks on more than 2 pipes in a loop
#1117 opened by ChillerDragon - 2
Messy encoding between GBK and UTF8 on Windows 10
#1128 opened by Jeangowhy - 1
Bash expression with arithmetic operations causing syntax error in bash-language-server
#1130 opened by eval-exec - 0
- 0
GoToDefinition forces functions to be defined before, even if incorrect
#1125 opened by leonschreuder - 0
Command-line flags are not autocompleted correctly.
#1118 opened by UtkarshVerma - 4
- 3
- 1
Incomplete display of function declarations/symbols
#1100 opened by simurq