
Yet another padrinorb.com framework document, hosted on jp.padrinorb.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Padrino Web is the source code for the Padrino official website (www.padrinorb.com)

The Padrino website is a simplified CMS with the following features:

  • Simple Editable Wiki for Guides

  • Pages Section for Updating Site Content

  • Basic Blog Engine for Creating and Viewing Posts

  • Powerful syntax highlighting with pygmentize

  • Textile support for formatting the documents

  • Beautiful mailer notifications with html diff for the changed content

  • Full text search functionality

  • Beautiful admin interface for managing all content

  • MongoDB + MongoMapper + Padrino powered

  • Disqus comments Integration

  • PDF integration through PDFKit


In order for this project to run on your server, you need the following dependencies:


You need to download mongo from here: www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Downloads and install following: www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Quickstart


HTML+CSS to PDF using wkhtmltopdf used to generate the pocket pdf guide.



Go here pygments.org/download/ and install it.


Go here disqus.com (if you don’t have it already) and register an account


To install gem dependencies, be sure to run:

$ bundle install

To populate a db similar to our official site, you can execute:

$ padrino rake seed

Start your mongod server.

Start your project:

$ padrino start

Now you can browse localhost:3000/admin and login with user/pwd provided during seed task.