
How to use

docker run -d -p [port]:[port] basher/docker-shadowsocks-libev -s -p [port] -k [password] -m aes-256-cfb

You need to set a port and password to run this images. Just replace [port] and [password].

Command line args

      -s <server_host>           host name or ip address of your remote server
      -p <server_port>           port number of your remote server
      -l <local_port>            port number of your local server
      -k <password>              password of your remote server

      [-m <encrypt_method>]      encrypt method: table, rc4, rc4-md5
                                 aes-128-cfb, aes-192-cfb, aes-256-cfb,
                                 bf-cfb, camellia-128-cfb, camellia-192-cfb,
                                 camellia-256-cfb, cast5-cfb, des-cfb,
                                 idea-cfb, rc2-cfb and seed-cfb
      [-f <pid_file>]            file to store the pid
      [-t <timeout>]             socket timeout in seconds
      [-c <config_file>]         config file in json

      [-i <interface>]           network interface to bind,
                                 not available in redir mode
      [-b <local_address>]       local address to bind,
                                 not available in server mode
      [-u]                       enable udprelay mode
                                 not available in redir mode
      [-L <addr>:<port>]         setup a local port forwarding tunnel,
                                 only available in tunnel mode
      [-v]                       verbose mode

      [--fast-open]              enable TCP fast open,
                                 only available on Linux kernel > 3.7.0
      [--acl <acl_file>]         config file of ACL (Access Control List)