
Primary LanguageNix


This repo contains the nixos cfg for a few of my systems. It tends to be under heavy development as I am still in the "keep trying things" phase of my Nix learnings. This repo has moved from Gnome -> Pantheon -> Hyprland - > Gnome -> sway -> Hyprland -> Gnome. You see where I am going with this. It "feels" like Gnome is where I plan to stay for some time. I found the user experience to be good, and the OOTB configuration seems to work best. It allows me to stop messing around to a degree and get "back to work."

Which NIX is causing me to fail right now. "back to work." :)


WIP, forever.

Code Flow

  • All code under the modules folder is imported via autoimport.nix. The modules folder code is set up with options, which are not used unless you enable the options in your system config.
  • Then archetype on the systems of choice

Example of a system cfg

# Shows using the archetype to enable a laptop and workstation
archetype = {
    laptop.enable = true;
    workstation.enable = true;

    # enable my user of choice
    # Note - still some refactoring in some modules to adjust if you move from a "dustin" user to an additional user or different user
    users.dustin.enable = true;

    # enable the desktop I want to use on this system
    desktops.gnome.enable = true;

    # enable an app directly vs via an archetype or suite
    apps = {
        syncthing = {
            enable = true;
            host.evo = true;

        # another exaple of direct module use
        desktopFile = {
        enable = true;
        reboot-firmware = true;
        seabird = true;
        beeper = true;
        monokle = true;
        cursor = true;
        spacedrive = true;

Home Manager Useage

  • I do use Home Manager, but not in the usual pattern.
  • I hated having two different locations to configure the same application if I had to (or wanted to) use base nix and home manager config.
  • So, I figured out how to have it all in one file. The modules/desktops/gnome/default.nix have an excellent example of this. In that file you will see:
# Above is traditional NixOS config

##### Home Manager Config options #####
    home-manager.users."${user-settings.user.username}" = {
# Everything in here is home-manager config


  • My secrets just use git-crypt.
  • I know about SOPs, etc., but I wanted to be able to make a secret substitution in my code. You can see its use in modules/cli/git/default.nix, such as (I was rendering a config file for a tool):
        api_base = "https://api.openai.com/v1"
        api_key = "${secrets.openai.api-key}"
        #model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
        retries = 2
        proxy = ""



The Espanso service is funny. At times, the service will not start after an update. The fix "seems" to be:

  • upgrade the system.
  • Unregister the Espanso service with espanso service unregister
  • reboot, and let the services.espanso.enable = true; in my config, start the service.

Getting StartupWMClass For Web Apps

Getting the StartupWMClass is a pain in Wayland.

  • I enabled the Window Class extension in Gnome.
  • Then you can use a command to get the class of the window.
  • see the get_wm_class fish shell function in my fish module.

Steps for my setup

  • Note, I use brave, but this also works with chromium, or any browser that supports the same cli flags. You can set the desired brower in the module where you define the web app. See modules/apps/gcal-br/default.nix for an example.
  • Temporarily create a desktop shortcut for the site to wrap in brave
  • Copy the icons using the lib/cbb-webwrap/copy-icons.sh` script
  • Delete the app in brave
  • run brave --new-window --app="https://URL" and leave it running
  • Run get_wm_class in the terminal to get the StartupWMClass (save it somewhere)
  • I have a nix function for creating a web app in lib/cbb-webwrap/default.nixAn excellent example of how to use that nix function can be seen in modules/apps/gcal-br/default.nix
  • Icons will be funky until you log out and back in or reboot
  • Enable web app in the modules/archetype/workstation.nix file (or as appropriate in your setup)
  • rebuild


  • Pantheon

    • small window controls
    • chromium web apps do not launch
    • set my preferred keyboard shortcuts for:
      • going to workspaces
      • closing windows
      • terminal launch
      • 1password
    • no app indicators
    • missing panel until you use Superkey
    • finish adding options to Pantheon for optional config
    • set wallpaper
    • add a screenshot shortcut that accounts for the desktop keyboard
    • set user photo
    • The fingerprint reader seems to want a manual login after locking the laptop. You should be able to use a fingerprint.
    • My screenshot OCR script seems to not work in Pantheon. I need to fix that.
    • VSCode
      • vscode not seeing keyring
  • user name

    • eval where the user name is used and make it a variable
  • Test A********