
An updated version of Offline 4Clojure for Clojure 1.10

Primary LanguageClojure


An updated version of the excellent Offline-4Clojure repository from thattommyhall, supporting Clojure 1.10.

This project aims to provide the curious Clojurian with an opportunity to have a mirror of the renowned 4Clojure problem set in an offline-first format.


To fetch problems from the 4Clojure website, run the following command:

$ lein run

To run tests against a problem, follow the command structure provided to invoke lein run for that namespace:

$ lein run -m offline-4clojure.p<num>

Or, more specifically - to run problem 21, one would execute:

$ lein run -m offline-4lojure.p21


Useful resources while working through the problems:


Copyright © 2019

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.