JavaFX SDK 11.0.2 -
Scene Builder 11.0.0 -
IntelliJ IDEA -
Instruction to set up -
For VM options: --module-path ${PATH_TO_JAVAFX} --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml ;${PATH_TO_JAVAFX} - path to JavaFX library
Mariadb connector which in the requirements folder.
- Can order different kind of pizza of different sizes ( small, medium and large option availiable)
- User can order fries as well( small, medium and large option available )
- User can also order drinks, coke and sprite options available ( 500ml or 1.5l )
- Order button will display the total oders and their cost in the output box
- Reset Button will reset all the orders
- Save Button save the data in the database
- On the Sales Summary, The out put box shows all the sales that had been done
- Calculate Sales button calculates all the sales
- Reset Button reset all the saves sales
- The database is visible to everyone, It can be visible to only admins/staff. It can be done through creating login systems for customers and adim separately
- More food items can be added as well
- Adress/seat number of the customer can also be added, to deliver food in the restaurant