Additional linear models including instrumental variable and panel data models that are missing from statsmodels.
- 4
Wrong F-statistics for robust SE
#631 opened by DiogoFerrari - 4
ENH: Add average adjusted R2 in FamaMacBeth
#499 opened by nick-zhy - 1
- 8
- 4
Pseudo-inverse in
#619 opened by safrazRampersaud - 11
How to fit LIML with 1 endogenous variable, 1 instrument, including an intercept
#596 opened by mlondschien - 1
Typos in the documentation (Instrumental Variable Estimation, Formulas and Mathematical Detail)
#616 opened by gregor-schueler - 0
`panel_structure_stats()` returns a generic `numpy` error if `ids` are negative
#614 opened by NauelSerraino - 0
MemoryError with IV2SLS
#607 opened by ckarren - 1
ENH: Remove constraint on the number of fixed effects
#491 opened by LulinS - 0
Typo in doc in Driscoll-Kraay formula
#583 opened by vgreg - 15
PanelOLS: Produced different Std. errors from Stata when clustered by the same variable in linearmodels
#477 opened by yuz0101 - 4
- 2
Fixed effects std. error and p-values
#559 opened by smauricioj - 0
Sanitize extra text from summary
#560 opened by gmoore016 - 2
- 7
Estimated Effects in random effect
#553 opened by KseniaNedorezova - 5
- 2
- 2
ENH: Improve exception when estimation of kappa is preventing fitting an IV2SLS model
#436 opened by roy1312 - 0
- 3
Option to avoid MissingValueWarning warning.
#531 opened by marcdelabarrera - 4
- 2
Small sample correction clustered avaialble?
#537 opened by joonro - 3
- 2
14 tests fail
#550 opened by yurivict - 1
- 0
- 3
- 8
Variables order in results
#501 opened by DongGilKim - 7
- 6
ValueError raised without a dimention mismatch.
#429 opened by baharcos - 1
How can I use FamaMacbeth
#493 opened by wbzhang233 - 8
Encounter ValueError when using FamaMacBeth...
#427 opened by Cheungki - 2
Add options to operate comparison table #feature
#498 opened by PeikaiLi - 2
absorbingLS: debiasing for with robust standard errors not occurring though debiased=True
#482 opened by blakemas - 0
BUG FirstDifferenceOLS
#481 opened by edegp - 3
KeyError for PanelOLS from_formula example
#475 opened by jhuang2023 - 1
clustered bootstrap SE
#473 opened by amichuda - 0
Extension: Interactive Fixed Effects model
#470 opened by ramonVDAKKER - 5
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 1
BUG: formula with whitespace isn't parsed despite `formulaic` being able to do the same
#435 opened by amichuda - 2
KeyError for PanelOLS from_formula example
#437 opened by eng543 - 3
- 7
- 3
- 2
linearmodels first difference works in version 4.24 on Linux laptop, fails in version 4.25 on Windows laptop
#422 opened by kflamm