
Division Tracker for the AOD Organization

Primary LanguageJavaScript

logo AOD Tracker v3

Tracker v3 CI

The AOD Tracker is a member and organizational unit management system. It is specifically built to support AOD processes, and as such makes some assumptions about the characteristics of an organization:

  • Games are divided into divisions
  • Divisions consist of platoons, Commanders and Executive officers
  • Platoons consist of squads and platoon leaders
  • Squads consist of members and squad leaders

There are many other analytical tools built into the tracker to provide basic statistics about recruiting, retention, and activity that derive from outside data.

The Tracker is considered a consumer of member data. The only concrete data it generates on its own are member notes for historical purposes.


The Tracker is a large project that has been in development since 2015, and is the result of quite a few contributors over the years. If you have an interest in helping develop a feature, fix bugs, or even just provide general feedback, we welcomee you!

The best way to contribute code changes is by way of a PR. First, make a fork of this repo, clone the fork to your local development environment, and follow the steps for local installation. Then when you are ready, submit a pull request of the changes from your fork. Please ensure you pay attention to the code style section, and explain any signiicant alterations your PR may make.

Local Installation

Building the laravel environment

You will need to ensure, at a minimum, that you have Docker installed. If you don't have PHP installed (or don't want to), you can use the following docker run command to get things built.

# installs application dependencies to allow you to run Sail
docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v "$(pwd):/var/www/html" \
    -w /var/www/html \
    laravelsail/php82-composer:latest \
    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

If you have the correct version of PHP installed, and you have composer, you can skip the docker run command, and simply build it with Composer using composer install

# the example should contain enough to do local development
cp .env.example .env

# generate framework key
php artisan key:generate

Building the docker images

Laravel comes baked with Sail, an opinionated Docker configuration for Laravel applications. I have swapped out my custom Dockerfiles/compose files in place of this.

The tracker and website should not use conflicting database and web server ports.

sail up -d

sail artisan migrate:fresh \
&& sail artisan db:seed \
&& sail artisan db:seed --class=ClanSeeder

Create a user for yourself to authenticate as. Users must be associated with a member who has an active division.

Since we are using Sail for docker configuration, we can use it to interact with the container rather than exec'ing into it manually.

sail tinker

Then we need to provision an admin user for ourselves. The Tracker will automatically log into the first (and only) user.

    'name' => 'Your name'

Enforcing code style

Everyone has their own preferences for how code should look. For cases where there are wild differences, we use . ./vendor/bin/pint to make things consistent throughout the repo. Feel free to run this before committing!

Eventually we'll add this to a GitHub Action so it happens automatically....