
✈️ It's like django-cities, but django-airports

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Provides airports' related models and data (from OurAirports) that can be used in django projects, inspired by django-cities

Authored by Basil Shubin, and some great contributors.


First install the module, preferably in a virtual environment. It can be installed from PyPI:

pip install django-airports


You must have django-cities installed and configured, see the django-cities documentation for details and setup instructions.


First make sure the database support spatial queries, see the GeoDjango documentation for details and setup instructions.

You'll need to add airports to INSTALLED_APPS in your projects settings.py file:


Then run ./manage.py migrate to create the required database tables.

Import data

After you have configured all settings, run

python manage.py airports

The airports manage command has options, see airports --help output.

Second run will update the DB with the latest data from the source csv file.


If you like this module, forked it, or would like to improve it, please let us know! Pull requests are welcome too. :-)


django-airports is released under the MIT license.