
Promise wrapper for node-postgres. Works with co-routines and async/await!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Co wrapper for node-postgres. Also supports ESNext's async/await.


$ npm install co-pg


co-pg provides higher order functions that will return a wrapped edition of pg. Everything that is available from pg is also available on co-pg with no alterations to the original API. The pg API methods that use a callback style interface also have companion promise methods that are usable by co 4.0 and by ESNext async/await.


Supports Node Engines:

  • v0.12 (requires --harmony flag to work)
  • v4
  • v5
  • v6
  • v7

API Additions

co-pg adds a few additional methods on top of the pg API.

  • PG prototype adds the #connectAsync method
    • also includes #connectPromise which aliases #connectAsync
  • Client prototype adds the #connectAsync and #queryAsync methods
    • also includes #connectPromise which aliases #connectAsync
    • also includes #queryPromise which aliases #queryAsync

These methods behave exactly the same as their counter-parts, including their arguments, except instead of supplying a callback, the promise is yielded. All the original methods are still available by using the sans-underscore methods. For documentation or help on how they work, please see the original project's documentation.


Single connection

Connect to a postgres instance, run a query, and disconnect, using co.

let co = require('co');
let pg = require('co-pg')(require('pg'));

let connectionString = 'postgres://postgres:1234@localhost/postgres';

co(function* connectExample() {
	try {
		let client = new pg.Client(connectionString);
		yield client.connectPromise();

		let result = yield client.queryPromise('select now() as "theTime"');

	} catch (ex) {

Client pooling

The underlying pooling system is not altered. The companion thunk methods can be used instead. Since PG#Connect returns multiple objects, the return value is an array of those results. They can then be manually destructured into separate variables for cleaner code.

let co = require('co');
let pg = require('co-pg')(require('pg'));

let connectionString = 'postgres://postgres:1234@localhost/postgres';

co(function* poolExample() {
	try {
		let connectResults = yield pg.connectPromise(connectionString);
		let client = connectResults[0];
		let done = connectResults[1];

		let result = yield client.queryPromise('select now() as "theTime"');
		//call `done()` to release the client back to the pool

	} catch (ex) {

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