
This is an extension for Visual Studio Code that the current folder opened in VS Code can be run as a website using IIS Express

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Run websites straight from VS Code using IIS Express

This extension gives you the power to run a folder open in Visual Studio code as a website using IIS Express.


Open the command pallete & type ext install then search for IIS Express



Available commands

  • IIS Express: Start Website - Start the current folder run as a website
  • IIS Express: Stop Website - Stop the current folder run as a website
  • IIS Express: Restart Website - Restart (Stop & Start) the current folder run as a website



  • Auto opens folder in browser
  • Super simple way from the command pallete to start & stop the website
  • See ouput from the IIS Express command line directly in Visual Studio
  • Support for PHP via ApplicationHost.config common changes for all sites running with IIS Express


  • Windows Machine (Sorry not for Linux & OSX)
  • IIS Express installed