//HELLO! <3
You will need to have git installed on your computer. At a minimum you'll need the git CLI. See lists below for GUI clients for your operating systems.
See Installing Git or
- Window users can use chocolatey to install git
- MacOS users can uses brew to install git
- XXX - looking for recommendations @basictheprogram in Discord
- XXX - looking for recommendations @basictheprogram in Discord
You will need to have Unity installed on your computer.
The project is using Unity 2021.3.11f1 and you can install it from the Unity Hub or
- Window users can download 2021.3.11f1
- MacOS users can download 2021.3.11f1 Intel or 2021.3.11f1 Apple Silicon
Can read the official How to activate a Unity license via command line on macOS. The default Unity installation trying to install Visual Studio Code. I recommend you uncheck the component.
Here is my notes:
- Exit Unity
- cd ~/Downloads
- /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -batchmode -createManualActivationFile -logfile
- Open the license.unity3d.com/manual webpage
- Browse, navigate to ~/Download and upload the *.alf file
- Select Unity Personal Edition
- Download the license file
- /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -batchmode -manualLicenseFile Unity_v2021.x.ulf -logfile
You will need to have Discord installed on your computer or
- Window users can use chocolatey to install Discord
- MacOS users can use brew to install Discord
You will need a text editor and we recommend Visual Studio Code or
- Window users can use chocolatey to install Visual Studio Code
- MacOS users can use brew to install Visual Studio Code
We recommend the following VScode Extensions. Learn how to install extensions.
- Better Comments from Aaron Bond
- C# from Microsoft
- Unity Tools from Tobiah Zarlez
- Unity Code Snippets from Klever Silva
- Generate .gitignore for a Unity project at gitignore.io