
TMDB Movie Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Project

This is a movie database project, where it shows movies, their casts, ratings, trailers, related movies, genres, and so on.

This project uses The Movie DB API: https://api.themoviedb.org/3. Also, used Postman to explore the API and understand the data.


  • A home page that shows popular movies
  • When you click one of the movies, you'll see the Single Movie page, which includes:
    • Movie poster
    • Movie title
    • Movie release date
    • Movie runtime
    • Movie description
    • An empty cast section


A universal navbar (it appears on every page) at the home page that includes buttons that go to the following pages:

  • Home button, takes you to the home page
  • Movies button that has a dropdown list to show different movie genres. For example: Action, Sci-Fi, Comedy ...etc, When you click one of them it should load the movies for that genre.
  • Actor list page
  • About page that has a description of the website
  • Search box where you can type the movie or actor name and display the related results.
  • A filter dropdown to filter the displayed movies in the home page, based on (popular, relase date, top rated, now playing and up coming)


A universal footer that includes:

  • Credit to our team for building the website,
  • The team's github links inside an icon and social media links

Movies List Page


  • Using CSS and Bootstrap, display the page as a grid with 3 columns (3 movies in the same row)
  • It is responsive where it displays 2 columns for tablets and 1 column for phones
  • A rating and genres to the movies in the home page and a description when you hover over one of them

Single Movie Page

The single movie page shows:

  • The main 5 actors of the movies in the credit section
  • The movie language
  • A related movies section which includes at least five related movies
  • A trailer section that has the movie trailer from youtube
  • The movie production company name and logo
  • The director name
  • The movie rating and how many votes has it received

Actor List Page

Displays a list of actors styles in the same way as the movies list page, but with the actor photo and the actor name. Clicking any actor goes to the Single Actor Page. CSS is reused here!

Single Actor Page

This page can be reached by clicking on an actor in the actors list page or the credits in the single movie page.

Data Display

  • The actor name
  • The actor gender
  • A picture of the actor
  • The actor popularity
  • The birthday of the actor and (if available) death day
  • A biography about the actor
  • A list of movies the actor participated in