
BMC DevOps for CFA automates the process of reporting application checkpoints/commit information from IMS and DB2 logs.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

BMC DevOps for Checkpoint/Commit Frequency Analyzer

Jenkins Plugin

Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Overview
  3. Authenticating the SSL Certificate
  4. Screenshots
  5. CFA Job Logs
  6. Commit Frequency Report for DB2
  7. Commit Frequency Report for IMS
  8. Checkpoint/Commit Distribution Action
  9. Required information for diagnosing problems


Required software Version
Jenkins 2.303.2
BMC Checkpoint/Commit Frequency Analyzer Requirement


BMC DevOps for Checkpoint/Commit Frequency Analyzer (CFA) plugin can be invoked as a Jenkins job's build step, and trigger the process of reporting application checkpoints/commit information from IMS and DB2 logs. It can be used to illustrate the impact of changes made by application programs on IMS databases, by comparing CFA reports before and after the implemented changes.

BMC build step

Use case: The plugin can be integrated as part of the development life cycle for application development team, where one of the steps does checkpoint/commit analysis.

It uses z/OSMF REST API to submit the following CFA job to run on z/OS.

//CFRMAIN   EXEC PGM=CFRMAIN,REGION=4M                       
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                
//SYSIN    DD *                       
* comment
ANALYZE   keywords
INTERVAL  keywords
REPORTS   keywords


  • Notice that the values for the different keywords are not explicitly displayed in the generated JCL. Instead placeholders (which are marked with ${}) are used. The placeholders are being internally resolved into variables by Jenkins during the build process. Therefore, it’s not recommended to modify the JCL, but it’s possible.

  • Script Security Plugin is used, thus an administrator will have to approve the scripts. Otherwise a security exception is thrown: ERROR: Failed to evaluate groovy script. org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.scripts.UnapprovedUsageException: script not yet approved for use

    An administrator will have to approve via Manage Jenkins -> In-process Script Approval

 In-process Script Approval  Script Approval

Authenticating the SSL Certificate

  1. Distribute the z/OS certificate to the appropriate workstation, and import it into Java KeyStore using keytool.
  2. Issue the following command from the command line:
keytool -import -alias <alias_name> -keystore <keystore_name > -file <file_name>


  • alias_name - alias name of the entry to process
  • keystore_name - the location of the cacerts file , By default it is in jre/lib/security/cacerts
  • file_name- file.cer You will be asked for password (which is by default : changeit). Enter the password. Restart your Java Virtual Machine or your computer.


BMC CFA Plugin

For details of the dialog box fields, click the question mark icon next to each field.

For further information regarding a specific field please refer to BMC AMI Log Analyzer for IMS documentation:

CFA Job Logs

The contents of the CFA job spool files are available in Jenkins job workspace under the respective build number folder.

CFA job logs

For further information regarding a specific report please refer to:

REPRTDB2 - Commit Frequency Report for DB2

Commit Frequency Report for DB2

REPRTIMS - Commit Frequency Report for IMS

Commit Frequency Report for IMS

Checkpoint/Commit Distribution Action

BMC build action

Required information for diagnosing problems

  1. Identify plugin version: Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Manage Plugins->Installed BMC plugin version
  2. Jenkins Job logs
    • Navigate to C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Jenkins.jenkins
    • Select jobs directory
    • Select the relevant job
    • Select builds directory
    • Select the relevant build number
    • log
  3. System log: Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->System Log
  4. config.xml in C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Jenkins.jenkins\jobs\job_name