Frequential Analysis Cipher Algorithm

This programm is a combination of algorithms to encrypt, decrypt and crack English texts of varying length in Caesar and Vigenere.


  • For be able to run this programm you need at least :
    • JDK or JRE from Oracle (any version)
    • put all your text inside the directory data/FileText.txt. The output will be in the ``data/resut.txt`
  • The text need to be in ENGLISH. Cause the Frequential Analysis is only for english word.


  • To run the programm, you will need to open it into a IDE who support Java compilater
  • OR
  • Go to the directory of the programm and enter the following

In the programm

  • There is two different Algorithm for cipher/decipher/break. Caesar or Vigenere. Choose in the programm wich you want.
  • And following the step in the programm

Correct Command In The Programm

  • Caesar OR Vigenere
    • cipher, decipher OR breaker
      • The shift OR the key


  • This project was been home maded by Basile Routier 54018 and Koray Kutlu 52828