Hacking IKEA TRÅDFRI products, such as light bulbs, window blinds and other accessories.
- 5
Custom Full Stack
#28 opened by sorenfalch - 21
- 13
Serial number?
#1 opened by OleUrgast - 1
- 12
possibility to emulate tradfri blinds
#47 opened by comlit - 1
- 0
Osvalla minimum brightness
#49 opened by LindyBalboa - 2
Converting ICPSLC24-10NA to 12v
#50 opened by Treantno - 0
Reduce the polling rate from the motion sensor
#51 opened by ppamorim - 3
Anyone have a åskväder?
#52 opened by honglihu1986 - 2
Is network cloning possible from gateway?
#53 opened by vuokko - 158
new module as remote
#46 opened by boelle - 5
New module in the GU10 RGB
#39 opened by CableCatDK - 3
Pinout of module when using it as a remote
#29 opened by CableCatDK - 2
Output via UART
#5 opened by jonathanschneider - 1
- 1
- 2
New GU10 bulb disassembling
#36 opened by MattWestb - 1
Add a things section
#40 opened by kollokollo - 2
- 4
Status of wireless peripheral support?
#32 opened by gnbl - 1
Memory sectors
#4 opened by Mes-ser - 2
ICPSLC24-10NA in 30W dimmer
#34 opened by nica-f - 3
- 4
- 1
Change dimming level?
#26 opened by leifnel - 0
Convert module from bulb into remote control
#25 opened by CableCatDK - 1
Prototyping board thoughts
#12 opened by darconeous - 1
Flash dump size
#19 opened by thomashondema - 7
Antenna of breakoutboard ON breakoutboard
#11 opened by oliv3r - 3
Making a commit (LED module teardown)
#6 opened by ludwo88 - 1
- 3
"Devboard"'s Components' Values/Specs
#2 opened by git-marc