
HiCursorWords : Highlights words under the cursor.

Primary LanguageVim Script

VIM plugin for highlighting words under cursor


This script highlights words under the cursor everywhere in the opened buffer. This doesn't provide scope-aware highlighting nor language specific one.

This is forked from #4306 by Shuhei Kubota

With contributions from 荒野无灯

没错,这就是你要找的vim 高亮与当前光标下单词相同的所有单词 的功能。

2016-10-24: the highlighting-style is now configurable via let g:HiCursorWords_linkStyle or g:HiCursorWords_style


highlight configuration

Configurable within your .vimrc:

Either by defining a style:

let g:HiCursorWords_style='term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse'

or linking to an existing one

let g:HiCursorWords_linkStyle='VisualNOS'

default config

let g:HiCursorWords_delay = 200
let g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp = ''
let g:HiCursorWords_debugEchoHiName = 0
let g:HiCursorWords_linkStyle='Underlined'

Other variables

(A right hand side value is a default value.)

g:HiCursorWords_delay = 200

A delay for highlighting in milliseconds. Smaller value may cause your machine slow down.

g:HiCursorWords_hiGroupRegexp = ''

If empty, all words are highlighted. If not empty, only the specified highlight group is highlighted. (my memo: 'Identifier|vimOperParen')

To investigate highlight group name, the next variable may help you.

g:HiCursorWords_debugEchoHiName = 0

If not 0, echoes the highlight group name under the cursor.

Installation details

Just put this file into the plugin directory.

Or clone it into your bundle-path and use with pathogen.

git clone https://github.com/pboettch/vim-highlight-cursor-words.git ~/.vimrc/bundle/vim-highlight-cursor-words

or a submodule

cd ~/.vim
git submodule add https://github.com/pboettch/vim-highlight-cursor-words.git bundle/vim-highlight-cursor-words

That's all. Have fun /*_*/